Directory of Music Faculties in Colleges and Universities, U.S. and Canada

January 2018. It's coming.

After 50 years in print, the Directory goes digital.

Directory of Music Faculties

Exciting New Features

Maximum Affordability—Whether you are CMS member, non-member, administrator, library, or book wholesaler, an affordable subscription is available just for you. (Sweet.)

Ultimate Portability—An 800-page book that you have to haul around? Not anymore. A responsive, online design means it goes with you on your desktop, laptop, or phone. (Smart.)

Increased Flexibility—Need to locate assistant professors with the last name of Smith teaching elementary music education and violin in California?... An institution with a graduate degree in music theory within a 100-mile radius of you? No problem. Compound filtering allows you to drill down to the specific information you need. (Sharp.)

Visit the CMS website on January 1 to access the new Directory of Music Faculties.